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Streamline Your Customer Data Collection for a Better Customer Experience [Webinar Replay]

words on black background customer experience is prominent for streamline customer data collection

I enjoyed putting being one of the speakers for the first webinar Doculabs ever ran on its own. Working with FormHero's Art Harrison, FormHero's Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer, to pull together the content for the presentation was a smooth, enjoyable process. We had good turnout and attendance, but we also wanted to share the content more broadly.

I've taken the time to answer a few of the questions we received just below. After that, you'll find the webinar replay.

I hope you enjoy the content as much as we did creating it.

Q: What is the most common mistake companies make regarding their forms?

Modernizing a portfolio of thousands of forms is a frightening task for a company with limited budget and resources. When modernizing, a company needs to have a methodical approach to consolidation of forms, technology, and change management. With out this approach many companies face these common challenges:

  • The required tools are not in place at the start

  • The customer journey is not prioritized

  • The right organization alignment to accomplish the objectives.

Change management is too often ignored or given only token attention. More technology implementations fail because of poor change management than from the technology being incapable of getting the job done.

[Art Harrison, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Office and my co-presenter from FormHero, also answered these questions. For his perspective, be sure to read Improve Customer Experience by Streamlining Customer Data Collection.]

Q: Is it possible to go totally paper-free or is that an impossible vision?

Going paper free should not be your vision. Delivering outstanding customer experiences should be the vision. This requires knowing your customers and understanding how your meeting their expectations around convenience, personalization, consistency, and immediate interaction. From there you will be identify the right level of process that may still require paper.

AIIM once ran a Paper-Free Day. Our marketing guy, Bryant Duhon, was involved in a few of them. He created this seven years ago, still a fairly valid way of looking at the paper-free goal.

Q: Should I convert all at once or step-by-step?

You should take a strategic approach to converting all of your forms at once. The actually physical conversations of the forms will take a step-by-step approach based on a overall strategic roadmap.

Here's the webinar replay. If you need help creating a strategic plan to maximize the effectiveness of your forms and other customer data collection initiatives, click the contact button hovering to the right of here.

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