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IDP Transformation

As organizations grapple with the sheer volume of documents and images flooding their systems, the decision to upgrade from traditional capture and OCR solutions becomes imperative. Companies are rethinking their outdated OCR methods. The rise of sophisticated, AI-driven OCR technology on platforms like AWS and Microsoft invites a move to more efficient, automated document processing. Doculabs offers strategic enhancements to transform your IDP system, elevating your operational workflow to meet today's business needs.


Discovery: Three dynamic workshops to chart the most impactful path for your document processing needs.

Workshop 1: "Unveiling IDP Potential" - This session focuses on understanding how IDP can revolutionize your document management and processing workflows including high level potential savings.

Workshop 2: "Readiness for Transformation" - This session is dedicated to assessing your organization's preparedness for integrating IDP, including technology infrastructure and process alignment. Evaluate your current document processing systems and workflows to identify potential integration points for IDP.

Workshop 3: "Technology Synergy and Integration" - This session explores the practical aspects of IDP implementation, discussing the right tools and technologies, and how they can be integrated seamlessly into your existing systems. Identify key IDP technologies and solutions that align with your business needs and objectives.


Build the Blueprint: Based on the outcomes of the FOCUS sessions, Doculabs will help you build the framework required for executing your automation journey.. Service can include:

Technology Selection
Content Taxonomy 
Migration Factory
Policy and Governance


Adopt and Execute: With a clear plan in place, it's time for execution. Doculabs will partner with you every step of the way, ensuring the strategy is brought to life IDP Adoption and Evolution: Guide your organization through the adoption phase and beyond, towards a landscape of continuous improvement and innovation

Process Reengineering
Data Lineage
Program Roadmaps
COE - Change Management

Get in Touch

300 S Wacker Ave, Suite 2700

Chicago, IL 60606

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